United States

Supplier Alert
Supplier Alert: Fraudulent Purchase Order Scam
We want to alert you to a scam involving individuals posing as employees of STO Building Group (STOBG) to place fraudulent orders with suppliers.
While we cannot prevent this fraudulent activity, we are assisting law enforcement with their investigation by sharing details as we learn of specific scams. We also encourage you to take the necessary precautions to avoid falling victim to this scam.
How the Scam Works
While there are variations of this scam, it generally works as follows: The scammer contacts a supplier, pretending to represent STOBG and sometimes using the name of an actual STOBG employee. The scammer requests a quote for goods. After receiving a quote, the scammer sends a fraudulent purchase order that looks authentic but is not. The purchase order typically directs delivery of the goods to an address not affiliated with STOBG. Once the goods are shipped, the supplier never receives payment and cannot recover the items.

How to Identify Fraudulent Activity
Below are key indicators to help you recognize and respond to fraudulent activity:
- Incorrect domain name in the sender’s email address. A valid STOBG email address always ends in @STOBuildingGroup.com. Hover over the sender’s email address to verify its origin.
- Unusually large order quantities, priority shipping demands, or rush requests.
- Delivery instructions to locations not associated with STOBG, such as a residence or storage facility.
- Poorly written emails with grammatical errors or unusual phrasing.
- Use of a false or unknown contact claiming to represent STOBG.
- Phone numbers not associated with STOBG.
- URLs similar to STOBG’s official website. For example, a fraudulent URL like stogroups.com instead of the official STOBG website, stobuildinggroup.comGo to https://stobuildinggroup.com/.
What to Do If You Receive a Suspicious Request
If you receive a suspicious request claiming to be from STOBG, email us at Procurement@STOBuildingGroup.comGo to mailto:Procurement@STOBuildingGroup.com to verify the validity of the request. Include any related emails and documents in your message. Do not contact the name or number listed on the suspicious email or purchase order. A member of our team will promptly respond to your inquiry. Local law enforcement may also be able to assist you.