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Structure Tone Dublin Golf Classic 2024
in aid of “Rory’s Wish to Walk”
Structure Tone Dublin Golf Classic 2024
The 2024 Structure Tone Charity Golf Classic is taking place on Thursday 12th September in the K Club, Straffan, Co. Kildare, host to the 2006 Ryder Cup. Following on from the successful fundraisers for Roisin, Bobby, Sienna, Isabelle, Odie, Kate, Courtney, Sophie, Alex, Michael and Ella in previous years, we have decided to support another candidate who needs our help this year; Rory Gallagher, Rory’s Wish to Walk.
We invite you and your company to join us as a sponsor for this event. By sponsoring this event you will be promoting your company to the many area professionals who will be participating and supporting Rory’s Wish to Walk.

Rory’s Story
He has Cerebral palsy quadriplegia, Periventricular leukomalacia with (PVL) the area of damaged brain tissue can affect the nerve cells that control motor movements. The damaged nerve cells cause the muscles to become tight or (spastic) and hard to move. This is a disorder that causes problems with muscle control. Rory also has cortical visual impairment or CVI, this is a disorder caused by damage to the parts of the brain that process vision. Rory will need to have retina surgery in the next few months. At home we will need to make adaptations suitable to Rory’s needs, we will need to build Rory his own adapted bedroom, bathroom and physiotherapy room and he will need a hoist system. It’s #Roryswishtowalk he has a lot to overcome & a lot of hard work ahead if his wish is to come true!
He will need neurological rehabilitation, physiotherapy, occupational therapy & to continue with his equine therapy this can only happen with your support. Nothing compares to the love I feel for my little man. Rory’s never been a moments trouble, he is the best part of my life!! I love him beyond measure, and I thank God for him every day, he brings so much happiness and joy wherever he goes! I am delighted to say despite what the medical professionals said Rory is able to talk and I am looking forward to the day when we can go for a walk arm in arm. Rory has undergone major pelvic reconstruction surgery, double hip surgery and tendon lengthening surgery in the USA. Going forward Rory will require follow up surgery to remove the pins and plates from his hips along with surgery to stop his leg growth. Rory’s needs are vast due his disability and while at the moment I am very overwhelmed I am also very hopeful for Rory and his future. Rory is young, strong and has a never give up attitude, he is making huge strides every day and he is so determined to walk! If you can, please support Rory on his wish to walk journey. I know he can do it!
Rory knows he can do it!!!

Thank You, from the bottom of our hearts,
Shauna, Gerry, Kyle, Lily & Rory Gallagher