QUALITY 360: A New Take on Construction Quality
In our industry, the value of delivering a quality project is undeniable—it helps us build lasting relationships with our clients and allows us to take pride in what we do. But is construction’s approach to quality the most efficient and effective way to achieve excellence? Do our teams have the support they need to ensure consistent quality on every job? To make sure that our attention to detail is always top of mind, STO Building Group is introducing Quality 360°, a fresh approach to construction quality meant to renew our focus and maintain our high standards on every job.

Amy Wincko, SVP of Operational Excellence & Strategic Planning, STO Building Group

Stephen Neeson, SVP of Operations, Structure Tone New Jersey
Quality has always been an integral part of our business. Our client-first approach is centered on quality, as we and our clients expect us to deliver a top-notch process and outcome. From rethinking quality control on jobsites to shifting the mindsets of our teams, Quality 360° challenges the traditional approach to quality by focusing on a few key areas:
Process. Over the last two years, we’ve piloted and implemented programs and processes that streamline each phase of reviews while ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. Our teams can visually document and flag any issues for subcontractors and provide the design team with live updates, allowing us to deliver the attention to detail our clients deserve.
Support. We understand that quality isn’t just about delivering an excellent project—it’s about exceeding expectations every step of the way. Quality 360° calls on all of us to help meet and maintain our clients’ high standards—from keeping up with submittals at the office to notifying our subcontractors in real time when quality issues need to be addressed on-site. To make sure our teams feel supported in this, we’ve assembled the Business Unit Quality Managers (BUQMs), a group of passionate quality leaders from across our organization who serve as a resource for their local offices, as well as each other. The BUQM community meets quarterly to discuss how to improve STOBG’s approach to quality across our offices, jobsites, and sectors.
Teamwork. Spanning the US, Canada, the UK, and Ireland, our organization has no shortage of experienced problem-solvers who specialize in virtually every area in our field. To better leverage our professional network, we’ve created the STO Building Group Knowledge Exchange, where employees are encouraged to share the lessons they’ve learned in their roles. Through the Knowledge Exchange, this invaluable hands-on knowledge is accessible to all within the organization.
One of our clients summed up the benefits of Quality 360° perfectly: “Structure Tone did not shrink away once through many rounds of testing and asking them to remove certain things and put others back. Their level of attention, detail, and understanding just came through time and time again.”
From our day-to-day operations on the job to how we represent quality in our relationships and across our brands, Quality 360° aims to strengthen our culture around quality, ensuring excellence continues to be both inherent and unmistakable in everything we do.