When Building a School Becomes Its Own Education
An active jobsite is the ultimate classroom. That’s why The Bear Creek School brought on Abbott Construction to teach a two-week intensive course to students interested in the AEC industry. At the time, Abbott was building their new upper school campus and performing arts center—a perfect case study to immerse kids in the world of construction.
Students toured the jobsite, learned how to read drawings, experimented with structural engineering, and discovered career paths. Designer BCRA and ZORKO Electric taught sessions as well.
“Students at The Bear Creek School were so eager to dive in and explore the jobsite,” says Abbott vice president Michael Sloane, who was project manager for the new campus. “When it was complete, they got to experience those finished spaces firsthand. I can’t think of a better way to share the joy of construction.”
Size: 53,000sf
Site: 156,000sf
24 Classrooms
(500–700 students)
Music Wing
Media Center
School Kitchen
Wetlands Preservation
350-Seat Performing Arts Center